Contemporary Prayers to whatever works - out this spring 2021
Read a recent press on this book: Don't Fence me In: Religion and spirituality books for 2021 in Publisher's Weekly!
A brand new book with 80 new prayers and vivid images for our brave new world
This artist's book of blunt prayers to nothing-in-particular is the third in the series, published by Simon and Schuster's Tiller press! It arrived in March of 2021 and you can get copies for here. This book has the very best aspects of the two that came before, with an expanded vocabulary of vivid ink and brush abstraction standing in for whatever or whomever you might pray to, and new prayers for our brave, new, post-Covid 19 world: uncertainty, unfamiliarity, confusion and reorienting are all emphasized.
This book is the same shape and size as the first two, and has the same tone and sensibilities as the first Contemporary Prayers to * [whatever works] It's a volume 2 with all new content. ISBN: 9781982154677 6.5 x 5.5” 208 PAGES For media inquiries contact Hannah. |